ACCIONA Cair at SUR School of Artistic Professions

ACCIONA Chair, a cycle of conferences offered once a month by renowned authors and universal thinkers

ACCIONA and SUR School of Artistic Professions signed an agreement in December 2014 which arose from the ACCIONA Chair and resulted in a series of monthly lectures by respected authors and thinkers. The programme takes place at the headquarters of Círculo de Bellas Artes, which founded SUR in partnership with La Fábrica; it consists of a closed session for students and a session that is open to the general public.

In the first season, the ACCIONA Chair arranged for lectures by such leading figures as Mario Vargas-Llosa, John Berger, Juan Calatrava, Massimo Cacciari, Georges Didi-Huberman, Joan Fontcuberta, Fredric Jameson, Chema Madoz and Eduardo Souto de Moura.

The SUR School, directed by Daniel Gómez-Valcárcel, embraces transversality as a means of educating its students and turning them into professionals: bringing together the different artistic viewpoints into an integrated vision of all disciplines. The teachers are opposed to specialisation as a means towards the final encounter with a work; rather, they propound immersion, knowledge and the practice of different forms of expressing art as an indispensable phase.

Then, after probing the stimuli and instruments offered by each artistic manifestation, students find themselves alone before that which offers the greatest scope for personal and inner realisation. For a more accurate expression of their feelings in a creation.

Acto de presentación SUR Escuela de Profesiones Artísticas from SUR Escuela on Vimeo.

SUR School's form of pedagogy hinges on practice, in the form of thirty workshops taught by specialists in each area, combining different forms of artistic expression such as poetry, theatre, cinema, music, dance, drawing, sculpture and photography. A multidisciplinary training that provides an education in the arts by connecting their common features, combined with a strong professional orientation.

¿Qué hace de SUR una Escuela única? from SUR Escuela on Vimeo.



ACCIONA, a SUR associated company, is granting five new full scholarships for the 2019/21 Master course in Arts and Artistic Professions at SUR and Madrid’s Carlos III University to promote access to training for Spanish and Latin American students.

Grants are awarded on the basis of:

  • Track record
  • Motivation
  • Potential 
  • Means



ACCIONA has received the seal "WE ARE CULTURE" 2015 from Círculo de Bellas Artes, a guarantee of quality that they will deliver every year to all companies and organizations who have contributed in some way so that this institution remains a landmark of culture in Spain and in the world.