Diversity, equality and inclusion

for sustainable growth

Leaders for change

The talent, commitment and leadership of people —the heart of ACCIONA— make sustainable development and effectively combating the climate emergency possible.

That is the reason why our employees are at the centre of the company's strategy, which is based on diversity and inclusion.

Through the Diversity Committees, in the different businesses and countries, policies and programs are promoted to favor a respectful, diverse, inclusive and efficient work environment. These diversity committees, made up of all groups, generate proposals and plans in the area of diversity and inclusion.

In 2019, the Refinitiv Diversity & Inclusion Index has ranked the company among the top 25 globally in terms of diversity and social inclusion.


Acciona works to be the best company to work for, where men and women can develop their careers with total equality of opportunity and to generate a culture that promotes work-life balance in all areas.

We are determined that there should be no gender-based pay inequity in all businesses and countries where we operate. In 2019, we have reported a possible gender pay gap of 5.0 % globally and we are working to eliminate all cases where this type of inequality could be detected. 

This commitment is materialized through the promotion of women to positions of responsibility in all areas with the aim of increasing the representation of women in managing positions.

As an example of this, ACCIONA has linked its bonus to the achievement of the objective of increasing the percentage of women in pre-managing positions and we also hold twice a year editions of the Management Development Program for High Potential Women.

Diversity and inclusion

We work to create environments in which all people feel and are valued, and where their differences can contribute to our businesses, always on the basis of equal opportunities and dignified treatment.

ACCIONA's Code of Conduct promotes real equal opportunity, beyond gender diversity, and does not accept, in any case, any type of discrimination in the professional environment on the grounds of age, race, ethnicity, gender, religion, political opinion, sexual orientation, social status or disability.

The average number of people employed with disabilities in the company represents 3.56 % of direct employment of the total workforce in 2019. 

Our Special Employment Centres contribute by providing workers with disabilities with productive and paid work, appropriate to their personal characteristics and which facilitates their integration into the ordinary labour market

We also collaborate with entities and foundations for labour integration of people with disabilities, long-term unemployed, migrant women, victims of gender violence and other groups at risk of social exclusion.

Inclusion of other minorities

Similarly, ACCIONA carries out important work in protecting minorities—with regard to BBEEE requirements in South Africa, First Nations in Canada and Indigenous people in Australia—and in protecting immigrants in the Middle East and Asia.

We put our values into practice

ACCIONA has been part of the Integra Foundation since 2001. Since then, volunteer workers have helped women at risk of social exclusion to improve their CVs, as part of a specific initiative aimed at the labour insertion of socially excluded and disabled people.

Fundación integra

We are a global partner of Homeward Bound, an international leadership program for women in science and technology who specialize in the fight against global warming. Since our incorporation as a global partner in 2018, we have encouraged 400 women to participate in the program.

Homeward Bound

ACCIONA has been collaborating for years with the Princess of Girona Foundation. Its objective: to increase the employability of young people with higher degrees, from disadvantaged backgrounds, in order to guarantee equal opportunities in access to the labour market.

Fundación Princesa de Girona

ACCIONA and Inspiring Girls are committed to the #NiñasSinLímites (Girls WithoutLimits) with the aim of promoting gender equality and equity in society, bringing talent to the surface and supporting education in subjects called STEM where there is an unjustified gender gap.

ACCIONA e Inspiring Girls

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